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Learn the Truth About Your Walk With God

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Discipleship is a subject that is sorely lacking in mainstream Christianity. Without it, Believers are ill-equipped to navigate the life of faith. Bringing unbelievers into faith in the Messiah isn’t the only goal; that’s just the beginning. Without proper discipleship, failure to live an abundant life is assured.

This website component will equip you with the correct understanding and application of God’s instructions from a Hebraic mindset, so you can correctly honor, worship, and be obedient to the Creator of the Universe as He desires and receive His abundant blessings. It will also endeavor to correct the misunderstandings and misinterpretations promoted by traditional Christianity to help you return to the “ancient paths” that characterized the 1st-century assemblies that Yeshua began and His Apostles took to the world.

HaShem’s Grand Design for Humanity

Basic Truths of Scripture

The Hebrew Calendar

Understanding Bible Versions

Bible Concepts from a Hebrew Perspective

Hebrew vs Greek Thought

Bible Studies

The Messianic Movement

Biblical & Messianic Resources

Printable Parashot Schedule