Pet Survival Kit

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Pet Survival Kit

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In the midst of all the chaos surrounding a potential disaster, it is important not to overlook the needs of our loyal companions – our pets. While our focus may be on stockpiling supplies, studying survival techniques, and honing our skills, we mustn’t forget to make provisions for the well-being and safety of our beloved animals. In a major emergency, the last thing you need to worry about is finding food for your pet or seeking medical attention for them. Ensuring the good health and well-being of your pets is absolutely essential, as it allows you to dedicate your attention to other pressing matters without any worries.

There’s often a misunderstanding that when we’re in a hurry, we can just feed our pets with human food. However, this is not always true. Pets have specific nutritional needs that differ from humans, meaning that some foods that are safe for us can actually be harmful to our furry friends. Furthermore, there are additional factors to take into account beyond just their diet. In order to guarantee the health and well-being of your beloved pets, it is essential to keep a few key items readily available.

Pet Food

To ensure an ample food supply, it is advisable to begin with at least two weeks’ worth of provisions, and then adjust accordingly. The duration of your food stockpile hinges upon the caliber of sustenance you obtain. By opting for high-quality pet food from a reputable pet store like Pet Life, instead of settling for imported alternatives at places like Walmart, you’ll ensure that your furry companion’s meals last considerably longer.

It is crucial to emphasize that most dog and cat food contains significant amounts of fat, which can become rancid after surpassing the “best by” date. For optimal longevity of your stored food, it is highly recommended to utilize airtight containers in conjunction with oxygen absorbers. Additionally, it is important to recognize the superior shelf life of canned food compared to dry food.

Food and Water Bowls

It’s good to have some extra food bowls. I use a collapsible kind that doesn’t take up much space.

Several Gallons of Water

Make sure to have enough water for yourself and save a few gallons extra for drinking. Remember, pets also require clean water.

Pet Treats and Supplements

Ensure that you have a sufficient supply that can endure for several weeks. In times of disaster, your beloved pets will experience considerable stress, and providing them with treats will help restore a sense of normalcy in their lives. 

Waste Disposal System

Having all the necessary supplies is crucial when it comes to taking care of cats. Ensuring that you have an ample amount of litter, newspapers, a scoop, bleach, garbage bags, and baking soda (to combat odors) is particularly vital.

Pet Medications

Ensure you have an ample supply of medication for your pet that will last well beyond their upcoming vet appointment.

Dental Tools

I keep Petzlife spray on hand. It removes tartar and kills gingivitis.

Flea and Tick Treatment

Don’t forget about the wide array of effective options such as collars, sprays, and flea & tick shampoo. It’s crucial to be aware that fleas and ticks have quite the resilience, as they can endure even freezing temperatures for extended periods.

Grooming Supplies

Make sure to bring essential supplies like a brush, nail trimmers, and other tools to effectively manage your pet’s fur.

Pet Clothes

I am not referring to glamorous dresses and flimsy sleepwear. Prepare your pet with warm sweaters and sturdy boots suitable for extremely cold conditions. This is of utmost importance in the event that you need to evacuate on foot.

Carriers and Leashes

You may already possess these items, but having an additional one of each could be quite beneficial.

Records and Documents

Make sure to gather all of your veterinary health records and vaccination documents and store them in a single folder. It is always better to be prepared, especially if you have a service dog, as you never know when you might face a challenge.


Ensure you include up-to-date photographs of your beloved pets in your pet survival kit, as these images will be invaluable in the event that your furry companions go missing and you require assistance in locating them.


Remember to include an identification tag containing your full name, address, and contact number. I got my Gracie one from PetHub. They give lost pets a voice. From GPS tag scan notifications to unlimited emergency contacts, they provide peace of mind. Also check out this paracord collar for dogs.

Pet-Care Instructions

If you ever find yourself needing to give up your beloved pets or entrusting their care to someone else, it is crucial to compile a comprehensive set of detailed instructions explaining how to properly care for them.

Pet Shoes

If your dog is going to walk long distances or on rough terrain, they might require shoes. In a survival scenario, veterinary assistance might not be available, and even minor injuries like cuts or scrapes can potentially lead to infections. Enhance your pet’s comfort and protect their paws by investing in high-quality pet shoes. These shoes are specially designed to provide cushioning and absorb the impact of walking, making them perfect for long walks or traversing rocky terrain. Don’t forget that besides increasing the risk of infection, injured feet can be exceedingly painful and may require you to bear the burden of carrying them. Including high-quality pet shoes in your pet’s survival kit is crucial.

Cotton Balls

Cotton balls are incredibly versatile, serving a multitude of purposes. They are excellent for safely eliminating debris from your beloved pet’s ears or aiding in the thorough cleansing of wounds. Don’t forget that when you combine cotton balls with Vaseline or hand sanitizer, they become fantastic fire-starting tools.


In certain emergencies, it may be necessary to use a muzzle for your pet. The good news is that a muzzle won’t occupy much space in your pet’s survival kit.

Baby Wipes

Baby wipes are extremely useful for cleaning your pet and getting rid of dirt and mud. They offer a quick and convenient alternative to giving your furry friend a full bath.

Pet First-Aid Kit

It’s absolutely essential to have a dedicated first-aid kit for your pet instead of solely depending on your own supplies. Familiarize yourself with the contents of each item separately when customizing your pet’s first-aid kit, ensuring full knowledge of its contents. At the minimum, it should consist of the following:

  • Hypoallergenic tape
  • Vaseline
  • Eye Wash
  • Hydrocortisone cream
  • Rubbing alcohol
  • Antihistamine spray
  • Aspirin tablets
  • Thermometer
  • Tweezers
  • Cotton Swabs
  • Scissors
  • Bandages
  • Needle and Thread

Dog Vest

If your dog is of sufficient size, they have the ability to independently carry certain items. This assists in lightening the load of your own backpack. You can buy a dog vest, like the one in the picture, that includes pockets and compartments for storing items.


Keep your furry friends entertained with a range of captivating pet toys! Dogs will love sinking their teeth into chew toys that are both fun and engaging, while cats can pounce and play for hours with realistic fake mice. Place these irresistible toys in a convenient box right next to your pet’s food, ensuring endless entertainment and enjoyment for your beloved companions.


Although it may seem like a daunting task, taking the time to pack all of these items for your pet will ultimately bring you peace of mind. Not only will your pet be grateful for the extra care, but you will also be able to travel with confidence, knowing that you haven’t forgotten anything essential.

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